What can a Health Coach & personal trainer do for me?

A health coach is a Master of Habit Change, offering support to clients who want to Change.  You want to feel more energized or feel great when you look in the mirror. Maybe you want to be more confident in your life, or maybe you want to lose weight… maybe it’s that last 10lbs you want to let go of. I can help!

 I support your vision of yourself and hold you accountable with action steps that lead to habit change so you can lead a healthy lifestyle that supports your goals. 

As a Health Coach & Personal Trainer and Senior Fitness Specialist, I can offer you exercise routines, strength & resistance training and also healthy habits that fit in well to your goals for a healthy lifestyle.

I also offer HIIT classes via Zoom & teach at the Council on Aging in Eastham, MA every Monday, Wednesday & Thursday mornings @9:45am (1 hour) $7 per class.

As a health coach & personal trainer, I set up the conditions for success. Discovering foods that give you the most energy for your unique body type and turning healthy habits into behaviors that last. Exercise is one of the key elements in my training for each of my clients.

You will be experiencing a whole new level of strength, beauty and confidence.  Imagine having the energy to create the lifestyle you want, such as:

  • Running a 5K, hiking, biking, taking HIIT classes :)

  • Having the energy to do what’s on Your Bucket List, and enjoying your life NOW.

Some subjects of what i focus on are:

  • Life Balance: Work, Family, Exercise, Nutrition

  • Habit Change

  • Resistance Training & Stretching

  • Recipes, healthy snacks

  • Blood Sugar rollercoaster

  • Water

  • Movement/exercise routines

  • HIIT workouts for busy people